Terms & Conditions

Normal hours to hire:
Monday to Friday from 8.00am – 5.00pm
Some Evening and weekend bookings by discretion of Venue Hire Management Closed for Christmas and Bank Holidays

Epainos Ministries deals with advance room bookings; this enables us to offer competitive rates. In return we ask for accurate information concerning the numbers attending and nature of each event, and there is a penalty fee in the event of cancellation. Bookings are accepted on the basis that these Terms and Conditions of Hire are accepted in advance by the event Organiser/Client representing the organisation.

Application for Hire
All applications for the use of the Facilities must be confirmed by filling in the Events Booking Form and sending to Epainos Ministries along with a signed copy of these Terms and Conditions.

Your booking will be invoiced once your booking forms are received.

Only when both forms and payment are received is the booking confirmed.

Epainos Ministries accepts payment by cheque, bank transfer or Cash.

The HAC, Lichfield Rd, Bow 
London E3 5AT

Phone/ mobile : 020 8983 4416 / 07508186172
Email: info@thehac.org
Instagram: @theHACbow
Twitter: @TheHACBow 
Tripadvisor: @TheHACBow
Linkedin: @TheHACBow

© The Heritage & Arts Centre  All rights reserved. UK Registered Charity No. 250306. UK Company No. 917145